My collection of volleyball setting quotes on cute short and long sleeve shirts consists of
volleyball designs that really serious players understand, love and are proud to wear on our comfy volleyball tees.
I created ALL of these volleyball setting quotes because I was inspired by my long playing and coaching career using my knowledge of personality traits needed by volleyball setters at all levels from
So if you see these particular quotes for volleyball setters on any other page, website or shirts that are not by me or by Volleybragswag.....they are fakes.
I have over 30+ years of volleyball experience on and off the court so I literally speak "volleyball."
And you do want the real thing, right?
My Volleybragswag stuff collection can be found on
Once the ball is in my hands
Then you know it’s too late
I run my team’s offense
Time to accept your fate
Who is the volleyball setter?
The volleyball setter is the quarterback or the point guard of the volleyball team and is responsible for calling and running their team's offense.
Once the referee blows the whistle to start the rally the setter who usually starts in Zone 1 in the backrow gives hand signals to each of their hitters to indicate in a volleyball type sign language who is going to hit what type of set.
For setting in volleyball these 'setting terms'
are terms for slower sets that players first learn so that they know how to run their team's basic offense.
When setting in volleyball a setter's job is to pick which sets to run that beat or outsmart the opposing team's front row blockers and back row defense so their team can score a point.
Beginner setters, usually first learn how to deliver high balls to their hitters in order to run a slower offense before they move on to learning faster more advanced offensive strategies.
The set is usually the second contact in a rally and the person who sets the ball the most is called the setter.
The setter on a volleyball team is like a point guard on a basketball team who runs the offense and calls the plays.
Offensive plays consist of a combination of sets called by using hand signals to eligible hitters who hit these sets at different heights, speeds and locations along the net in order to confuse the opposing team's blockers in an effort to score points.
If you are the setter on your team, you determine
A Setter is
Smarter than a Quarterback
Faster Than a Point Guard
Better Than a Pitcher
Tougher Than a Boxer!
Players in the setting position need to know these six setting fundamentals that have to be included in your volleyball setting toolbox.
-held ball
-back set
-over set
-setter dump
Let me explain these 6 setting fundamentals volleyball setters know like what's an assist. a held ball, a lift, a back set, an over set and the setter dump.
Click to go to this page to read more.
So They Call Me A Setter
When The Going Gets Rough
I'm My Team's Go Getter
I Run The Attack Stuff
My Jump Set Holds Your Middle
So My Outside Hitter Can Score
I Keep My Strategy A Riddle
We Burn Holes In Your Court Floor
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-Coach April
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Feb 20, 25 06:20 PM
Feb 18, 25 04:35 PM
Feb 15, 25 06:06 AM