My volleyball coach quotes about how people are really overusing the word "elite" nowadays.
It’s interesting how the word “elite” has become this trendy word to use .. more frequently in the past 2-3 years… but do we know what it really means to be an “elite” player?
To take on the responsibility to regularly do more and be more and accomplish more than everyone else you work or play with is alot harder than what most people are willing to do day in and day out.
It takes a special kind of person to carry that load and make it look easy.
It takes a special kind of person to really
want to excel at doing the dirty work.
It takes a special kind of person to rise above the rest and call for the ball and want to live with the pressure of having to score during the scariest most nerve wracking pressure filled moments in a game.. when no one else will step up and take on that responsibility out of fear and do it over and over again.
So ask yourself are you willing to do all that?
Repost @theschoolofwrestling
If you want to be excellent or elite you’ve gotta do special things.
Here's my advice on how to deal with frustration moments during practice...
"The frustration you feel as a player when learning something new is real. I know it’s not easy to do but one of the main things you can do is give yourself grace and work on being patient as well.. at the same time.. check your self talk.. keep it positive… and try not to judge EVERY rep.
Let your body just get use to doing the skill repeatedly to build muscle memory.
If every rep you tell yourself something negative .. (I suck, I can’t.. or I didn’t because .. are great examples) … it usually takes longer to achieve the goal you’re shooting for… to improve.
At your most frustrating moments.. instead of being emotional about your progress try being methodical and non-judgmental about each rep.
Try “I got this” whether you did or didn’t .. “I got this” over and over until you really do.
(Or “next” or a simple “okay” and keep it moving)
As you get stronger physically, mentally and emotionally doing a specific skill you’re working on you will see and feel your progress and your results will become more noticeable.
🏐More balls will get to the target,
🏐your body parts will feel more in control,
🏐you’ll spend less effort and energy to do the skill because it’ll become more natural to do,
🏐you’ll hear feedback from the teammates, and
🏐hopefully stats will improve.
Such a Great 🔥 training session today @kk.vbplayer .. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
I will always believe in you. 💙
Repost @kk.vbplayer
I get frustrated.
I get discouraged.
I cry. But what I DON’T do is give up.
Thanks Coach April (@coach_apchap) for continuously believing in me ❤️
Repost from @008charly
At the World Championships in Budapest, USA’s Anita Alvarez sank to the bottom of the pool.
Looking across the deck, and noticing she was under way too long, her coach, Andrea Fuentes immediately dove in after her fully clothed, pulling her to safety. Anita was unconscious and didn’t have the capacity to kick, paddle, or help herself in any way.
If Andrea would not have noticed, she would have drown.
But she knew Anita. She looked for her, quickly noticed she was under too long, then dove in without thinking twice.
This has resonated with me….
When you are under too long, who are the people that will look for you, notice, and dive in to pull you to the surface when you lose your strength to swim?
Who are the people that would do that for you?
And can someone count on you to be that person that would go looking and notice when they are under too long, diving in to support them when they are all out of fight and fuel to swim in these turbulent waters we call life?
Original tweet by @TaraBull808
Summer Homework for #volleyballplayers
from 👉🏾@lorrine.headrick
Repost @lorrine.headrick
What if you could enjoy your off season and feel prepared for Fall without tearing yourself down?
Here are 6 ways
1) Get 8 hrs of sleep. Start with small increments of change. Eg. Go to bed 15min earlier.
2)Do the off season work. Schedule it in your calendar and schedule in activities that fill your cup. Find the balance.
3)Notice what you are saying to yourself. Are you building your confidence or tearing it down? Change your narrative.
4)Choose friends that help you grow. The people you surround yourself with influence your life and your habits.
6)What advice would your future successful self tell you today? Write it down, practice repeating it daily as your new mantra.
Your thoughts create your feelings which lead to your actions or inactions creating your results.
You have impact.
Start prepping now for next season in your sport and life.
1:1 confidence coaching for athletes is now open. Be ready mentally and physically for Fall. Dm me to start the internal work now. You are worth the investment and time you’ll save yourself.
This will be good! 🔥
Repost from @volleybrains_com
In this Masterclass we feature Jennifer Petrie, the head coach of the University of San Diego women's volleyball team.
In 2022 coach Petrie was recognized as the AVCA National Coach of the Year, and San Diego set a national record with 28 consecutive wins.
Jennifer goes over a lot in this Masterclass:
- What her philosophy on building team culture is
- How to handle team dynamics and conflicts within the team
- What she recognized and improved upon after previous failures
- Advice to coaches starting out
- And so, so much more
There are 21 subtitled video clips in this Masterclass, enjoy!
If you have the chance for sure check all the clips, fun intersections don't translate that well to text, but they are all there in the clips. 🙂
Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!
I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
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-Coach April
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