Volleyball athlete quotes from Shaquille O' Neal
“When you’re feeling yourself…you forget about yourself” -Shaq
I quote myself below about the importance of being honest with yourself as a student-athlete.
"As a student athlete what happens when you look in the mirror and start telling yourself things that aren’t true?
What happens when you start believing the “new friends” you found (or who “found” you) after a lil bit of success instead of listening to those ride-or-dies who were with you before you were “somebody” and who always had your back?
What happens when you listen to people who don’t have your best interest as their priority and start telling you things they think you want to hear instead of the truthful things you need to hear?
What happens when you’re encouraged by your new friends to 🛑doing the things that brought you your success in the first place? (Like skipping workouts or partying over practice and working out?)
As a student athlete when you look in the mirror and lie to yourself or when you tell yourself the real good/bad/ugly TRUTH … the truth ALWAYS will reveal itself .. in various ways… on the court.
“When you’re feeling yourself…you forget about yourself” -Shaq
What Shaq is saying is that you start gettin comfortable and you start believin the hype .. instead of doin the dirty work that “got you there” in the first place. So sooner or later .. some one, some thing or some occasion will force you to hold the mirror up .. so you can see the truth about how much you’ve been slacking by kidding yourself
(If you’re grinding and hustling and doing the work outside of team practice .. it’ll show .. and if you aren’t putting in the extra extra… that’ll show too.)
Best believe this happens in high school and college too. #liveandlearn
Repost from @unapologeticallymemphis
Shaq says Dillon Brooks could fall out of the NBA 👀
Via @nbaontnt
Love these Fifth Harmony inspirational quotes for volleyball players in their song "BO$$"
That's me, I'm confident
Don't want yo compliments
Use common sense I'm on my Michelle Obama Shhhh
Shut your mouth
Boy I think you know who run this house
I ain't thirsty for no bae
cuz I already know watchu tryna say
-Lyrics Fifth Harmony
My own volleyball athlete quotes below are about not giving up no matter how frustrated you become on your journey to improving your volleyball skills.
"I know this sounds harsh but my parents said to me when I came home frustrated about a practice “if you can’t take the heat.. then get out of the kitchen. “
Best thing that could have happened because they knew
👉🏾that would piss me off, 👉🏾challenge me more and 👉🏾make me more determined to get through the next practice.. . because they also knew I wasn’t going to let that coach see or think.. that I was a quitter.
My folks were built different so that may explain a few things about me and how I coach.
.You can call yourself a D1/D2 prospect or next level player but if you don’t learn to handle the pressure that actually comes with… preparing to be one.. then you’re lying to yourself.
And no amount of parent negotiation/interaction with your coach is going to change that. Once you step on the court.. you’re the one responsible for making things happen (or not)
To Live through it, feel the pain and temporary discomfort of a situation .. builds Teflon skin, builds stronger internal scabs that will heal, builds resilience and emotional toughness. Having to go through some things.. “on your own” builds fortitude and if you go home or back to your dorm crying out of frustration.. that’s okay because we’ve all done it.
The tough “ next level” players tell themselves I’m going to come back tomorrow and handle whatever gets thrown at me. And will do it again each day until the pain lessons, the tears dry and I can see and feel myself getting emotionally and physically stronger while getting closer to achieving my goals.
Repost of video of @staley from @alldondre
My own volleyball athlete quotes below are about focusing on what you can control as opposed to what you can't control.
Trying to figure out what you CAN control once you step on the court?
How about your
I can tell you that’s the difference between good players and great players especially here in Vegas.
Instead of putting so much focus on things you can’t control (what people, parents and teammates saying about you, who’s watching you, what could coach be thinking, can I score this point at tiebreak) how about concentrating on and then doubling down on these three things.
Especially the last one.
Repost @crazy.lucchesi
Here is the recipe….#mondaymotivation
The volleyball athlete quotes below are from the Instagram account A Coach's Diary.
Repost from @acoachsdiary
One of my good friends has a son who is a high-major athlete at a power 5 school.
The advice he gives to parents of athletes going through the youth sports experience and recruitment process is, "Just make sure they are good enough. If they are good enough, they will have an opportunity to play on top teams and play in college, but the second they stop being good enough, the opportunities stop too."
In his book, The Mamba Mentality, Kobe Bryant writes that he learned a lot from studying and watching Muhammad Ali. Here is what he wrote about Ali:
“One of the main takeaways was that you have to work hard in the dark to shine in the light. Meaning: It takes a lot of work to be successful, and people will celebrate that success, will celebrate that flash and hype. Behind that hype, though, is dedication, focus, and seriousness - all of which outsiders will never see. If you stop being dedicated to the craft, the commercials and contracts will all fade away.”
Read more:
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I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
Here are three options:
What Are You Looking For?
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-Coach April
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