I created my new line of volleyball t shirt quotes by combining funny sounding but often used and very popular slang words and volleyball jargon with the plural form of the word "ball" I came up with new sayings and explanations ...that will make you laugh....because they're true.
ACE (noun) - How To Get Your Balls Back shirt by Coach April is one of the funny volleyball t shirt quotes featured in the Volleybragswag Got Balls Collection available on Etsy and Amazon.
Funny volleyball t shirt quotes like
are a part of my popular Volleybragswag volleyball tshirt quotes collection sold on ETSY and Amazon.
KILL- How to put your balls away
TOOL - when you're not the last one to touch your balls
DOWN BALL - when you can hit your balls without jumping
SWIPE - when you wipe your balls on someone else's hands.
4 CONTACTS - when too many people touch your balls
DEEP DISH - when you dip your balls using two hands for too long
SIX PACK - How to get someone else's balls off your chest
The ACE volleyball definition featuring hilarious slang volleyball t shirt quotes are on Etsy and Amazon.
What are three volleyball t shirt quotes and terms used to describe three ways to get the ball back so your team scores a point and gets to serve again? How about "Ace", "Kill", and "Sideout"
A volleyball ace is what they call that serve that just scored that direct point and that serve gets recorded in the team stats as a credit to you....that's your ace, a point, scored for your team.
In order to score points in a volleyball game using all of the six skills in volleyball you need the help of a teammate.
There's only ONE skill...where you can score direct points ALL BY YOURSELF without the help of a teammate...and that's from the service line ...making a tough serve that no one can pass or make a play out of and that..my friend, is the ace volleyball definition.
What are three volleyball slang terms used to describe three ways to get the ball back so your team scores a point and gets to serve again?
How about "Ace", "Kill", and "Sideout"
Funny volleyball t shirt quotes like
are a part of my popular Volleybragswag volleyball tshirt quotes collection sold on ETSY and Amazon.
Your three options are:
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Mar 16, 25 02:59 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:53 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:50 AM