Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

College Volleyball Player Quotes Life Lessons High Schoolers Can Learn

Here's a collection of college volleyball player quotes that I share on Instagram on mental health, confidence, self image and building emotional court strength

USA Olympic volleyball star Jordan Larson from 2010 osuwisko . 

Here's a collection of college volleyball player quotes that I share on Instagram on mental health, confidence, self image and building emotional court strengthUSA Olympic volleyball star Jordan Larson from 2010 osuwisko . Here's a collection of college volleyball player quotes that I share on Instagram on mental health, confidence, self image and building emotional court strength

I'll let you know what my thoughts are as a former student athlete and current coach. 

Here are my volleyball player quotes I made on Instagram in regards to this post.

I share my thoughts on Zoe Flekk's volleyball player quotes on the importance of staying in the present.

"The act of building self confidence is like building a muscle in the weight room or improving a skill on the court… with one practice rep at a time.

“Staying in the present” means focusing on what you’re doing 👉🏾as 🏐you’re 🏐doing🏐it.
Thinking about or
👉🏾obsessing about what you just did or
👉🏾worrying about what you want to do
👉🏾is thinking about the past and
👉🏾worrying about the future

BOTH of which are distractions that keep you from “staying in the present” and focusing on each individual skill as you perform them …
This is the mental or psychological part of the game that “next level” players work on …to improve their total game.

Repost @zfleckk

"we all experience a fear of failure or self-doubt. someone once told me that confidence is a choice and it took me a while to understand what he meant…

for me, a lack of confidence has always come from a lack of focus. if I'm thinking about the future (winning a match or impressing my coaches) or the past (a ball I just shanked or a dig I missed), then I'm going to lose confidence quickly.

but when my focus is on the present moment - as if it's the only thing in the world that I control (it is), it's so much easier to see how confidence can be a choice. I choose to see this next ball as an opportunity to execute the technique as I want to perform it. I choose to be a positive, stable, supportive energy for my teammates. I choose to put my focus on stopping my opponent instead of doubting myself.

so that's one way I (choose to) stay confident when I'm playing. if you're interested in mindset work or improving your confidence, I'll be sharing breathing techniques, tips and concepts that I use on a daily basis through my 6 month mentorship program. if you want to join the program and receive direct, personalized coaching from me, click the link in my bio to sign up! :)

Jordan Larson volleyball player quotes about the importance of we over me

The importance of “we” over “me.”
Repost @bet.on.her_podcast
Season 01 ep_21 | When we embrace the ‘we before me’ mentality, something extraordinary happens. Egos dissolve, and selflessness takes center stage.

Each player recognizes their role and understands that by working together, they can achieve more than any individual accomplishment could ever deliver.

You become more than just a group of athletes; you become a tightly knit family. You celebrate victories together and lift each other up in times of defeat. It’s a bond forged through shared experiences, countless hours of practice, and a common pursuit of excellence.

It teaches us that the whole truly is greater than the sum of its parts.

Today, let’s celebrate the essence of teamwork. Let’s honor the sacrifices, dedication, and unity that make champions. Embrace the ‘we before me’ mentality, fuel the fire of collaboration, and together, let’s create a legacy of greatness on and off the court.

Link in bio for this episode with Jordan 🫶🏻

@gov1007 | @uswnt

Check out Caitlin Broadwell's Volleyball Player Quotes 

Someone needs to read this today🔥🔥👍🏾💜💜
Repost from @hopeforathletes

. is sharing her story with us today!

Caitlin was on the beach volleyball team at LSU (@lsubeachvb) and is now the Athletics Case Manager at Long Beach State University.

In her story she talks about being good at volleyball from a young age and how that had its rewards, how a diagnosis required her to stop all physical activity for months, and how athletes don’t understand retirement until they’ve gone through it.

Such an importance reminder that you are so much more than an athlete! Thanks for sharing, Caitlin💜

Lexi Rodriguez libero volleyball player quotes

Lexi Livin the Libero Life at Nebraska and on the 🇺🇸 Collegiate National Team.
Repost @leagueonevolleyball

Congrats to LOVB Student Athlete @lexi.rodriguez__ for getting enough “insane digs” to be chosen for the @usavolleyball Collegiate National Team! 😍

Lexi and 19 other collegiate volleyball players have trained alongside the National Team in Anaheim, California this week.

Great job, Lexi! 💕


Karsta Lowe shares love and light with these volleyball player quotes

One thing you didn’t know about Karsta…

Repost @karstalowe
Sharing my ED truth!! Scary but necessary. Sending love and light to all the people struggling out there 🤍

Carly Wopat Volleyball Player Quotes About How To Attack The Day

Did I say…… mood.💪🏾
I love this mantra.
I love this mindset.
I love this motivation.
I love how @carlywopat sees the world and how she sees herself in it.
To me thats a #nolimit-motivational-mama mindset that I’m inspired by and I’m all about it. 👍🏾
When you attack the day with faith and not fear… watch how most everything you’re striving for… manifests itself in the world around you, for you.

When I competed…..for any reason I felt nervous or afraid this is what I brought my mindset back to and this “attack your task” mindset is what allowed me to stay in the present present, stay focused, stay disciplined.
Thank you @carlywopat for the reminder.. because this is the “constructively aggressive” mindset I’ll be using for the rest of 2023…and beyond🙏🏾

👉🏾Go after it people #attacktheday 🔥
Repost @carlywopat

This is a mentality I like to use to gather momentum from sunrise on, reinforce a perspective of extreme ownership, and put myself in a constructively aggressive mindset.

Time doesn’t stop for anyone. If you don’t make yourself the predator, you will always be prey to it.

Attack the task you’re dreading most first thing. Attack your workouts. Attack the phone calls. Attack the studying. Attack any and all challenges that come your way. Attack. Attack. Attack.

You happen to it, it doesn’t happen to you.
Make the day yours. 👊🏼

Check out these Mile Partain volleyball player quotes

“It’s kind of like music …”
-Miles Partain
Check out the new podcast with the MP interview.

Repost from @sandcast_podcast

Today’s podcast is an absolute gem, with @milespartain. Learning, sparks of God, and leaning into your own curiosity — that’s the secret sauce 🙌

Podcast is up on YouTube, Spotify, and full write up at @vbmagazine!

Do You Follow Me on Instagram?

Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

For more inspirational volleyball quotes for check out the pages below

Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about the volleyball quotes, sayings and shirts in the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Information section in the drop down menu at the top of the page

Read more about Coach April's  Volleybragswag inspirational volleyball quotes 

Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.

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Stay strong! Stay motivated!

-Coach April


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happiness is a mood


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