Dear Volleyball Mom, 
Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.Dear Volleyball Mom, Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

How To Start Playing Volleyball: A Guide for Vegas Moms and Beginners

Vegas moms! Kickstart your child's volleyball journey! Learn essential steps, local resources and my tips on how to start playing volleyball here in Las Vegas.  

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Hey there, Las Vegas volleyball moms!

Are you ready to help your child dive into the exciting world of volleyball?

As a seasoned volleyball coach right here in Vegas, I'm thrilled (read further to understand why i used that word!) to guide you through the process of getting your young athlete started in this fantastic sport.

Whether you're in Henderson, Summerlin, or even as far as St. George, Utah, or Phoenix, Arizona, this guide will set you and your child up for volleyball success!

Why Volleyball is a Great Choice for Your Child

As a seasoned volleyball coach right here in Vegas, I'm thrilled (read further to understand why i used that word!) to guide you through the process of getting your young athlete started in this fantastic sport. (photo Dan Morgan)As a seasoned volleyball coach right here in Vegas, I'm thrilled (read further to understand why i used that word!) to guide you through the process of getting your young athlete started in this fantastic sport. (photo Dan Morgan)

Before we jump into the "how," let's talk about why volleyball is an excellent sport for kids, especially here in the Southwest:

1. Year-round play:

With the increase of large indoor facilities, like Its All Volleyball combined with our fantastic weather, indoor and outdoor volleyball is possible all year!

2. Team building:

Volleyball teaches crucial teamwork and communication skills.

3. Physical fitness:

Volleyball requires a full-body workout that improves upper and lower body coordination, speed and agility.

4. Accessible:

You can start with minimal equipment and find courts in many parks around the city.

Now, let's get into how to start playing volleyball!

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball:
Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Basics

Before your child steps onto the court, it's helpful for both of you to understand the fundamental rules and objectives of volleyball:

- The game is played with two teams, typically of six players each.

- The goal is to send the ball over the net and ground it on the opponent's side.

- Each team is allowed three touches to return the ball over the net.

- A point is scored when the ball touches the ground on the opponent's side or if they fail to return it properly.

Pro Tip:

Watch some volleyball matches together!

The AVP Tour for beach volleyball and the Vegas Thrill for women's pro volleyball in Vegas provide a perfect opportunity to see high-level play in person.


From the city that never sleeps, known for its high energy and even higher stakes, Vegas Thrill embodies the spirit of Las Vegas as its new generation of professional athletes and world-class entertainment. The Vegas Thrill is one of ten professional volleyball teams in the second season of the Pro Volleyball Federation, priding itself on respect for athletes and providing fans with the world-class experience for which Vegas is known.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball:
Step 2: Get the Right Equipment

To start playing volleyball, your child will need:

- A volleyball:

For beginners, a lighter volleyball is often easier to handle.

Look for youth volleyballs online at Amazon (ad)or at local sporting goods stores like Dick's Sporting Goods or Big 5.

- Comfortable athletic clothes:

Volleyball shorts (ad) and a t-shirt work great.

- Proper shoes:

Volleyball-specific shoes offer the right support, (ad) but to start, any non-marking athletic shoe will do.

For beginners, Volleyball shorts and a t-shirt work great. Volleyball-specific shoes offer the right support, (ad) but to start, any non-marking athletic shoe will do.For beginners, Volleyball shorts and a t-shirt work great. Volleyball-specific shoes offer the right support, (ad) but to start, any non-marking athletic shoe will do.

- Knee pads:

These protect your child's knees when diving for the ball. (ad)

Local Tip:

Check out Amazon online for a great selection of volleyball gear. (ad)

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball:
Step 3: Learn the Basic Skills

Volleyball involves six basic skills that a player will need to learn.

Here's a quick rundown:

Addi getting 100 overhand serve reps in on Super Bowl Sunday working on her standing float serve down the line.

Focusing on starting with hips open to the wall to her right,  a consistent toss and a smooth arm swing when contacting the ball with the middle of her hand to the middle of the ball.

Listen to what I tell Addi about being aggressive with her armswing. 

Working on her floater in volleyball serve today we did 100 reps of the same serve to the same spot so we could problem solve and work on every body part movement...where things go so when its time to do everything faster...we have smoothed out and understood all the possible wrinkles. 

1. Serving:

When a player starts the rally by contacting the ball from behind the service line sending the ball over the net.

2. Passing:

When a player uses their forearms to control and contact the ball, often on the first of three contacts in a rally

3. Setting:

When a player uses their fingertips to push the ball up in the air towards a teammate so they can hit it over the net

4. Hitting (Spiking):

When a player attacks the ball over the net.

5. Blocking:

When a player jumps at the net while extending the arms over it to stop or deflect an opponent's attack.

6. Digging:

When a player prevents the ball from hitting the ground when the opponent attacks the ball

Volleyball Digging Drills: The Hit And Dig Drill

With this balanced and proactive 'ready position' you're able to react quickly to either side of your forward or behind you in order to move in any direction as needed.

Charlie works on digging in the Hit and dig drills done in private training clinics and practice. 

As a beginner, I highly recommend for beginners to focus on serving and passing to start.

These are the two basic skills that form the foundation for the majority of all volleyball plays.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball: 
Step 4: Practice at Home

You don't need a full court to start practicing! Try these at-home drills:

- Wall Ball Drills:

Have your child bump or set the ball against a wall repeatedly. Check my volleyball drill section for instructions on various wall drills and how to do them

These three player passing drills in volleyball are easy to do at home or in practices and help you to work on controlling the ball and passing accuracy.

How to do wall passing drills...

Volleyball wall passing and wall setting drills can be done daily at home with a goal of at least 250 - 500 reps of various drills to keep your

  • passing or setting technique, 
  • angled platform work, 
  • ball contacting skills and 
  • control of the ball.....extremely sharp!

Pick a brick, a specific spot on the wall or mark a big X in chalk on a wall or use a basketball net or backboard matter what you decide to use as your target... anybody walking by.... should be able to see exactly where the spot is that you are aiming for EVERY...single....time .⁠

Do 3 to 5 sets of 100... five feet from the wall ....then side step two feet and repeat. Then step back and repeat.⁠

Complete 300 to 500 passing repetitions

Here are some volleyball drills for youth that you can do at home or in practice with a friend or teammate you are working out with at home or on their own or even during an open gym at your school.

Watch as Kenny and Jaylen work on controlling the ball to a consistent spot on the wall and then control the ball to themselves, then finally they control the ball to each other...repeatedly. 

- Serving practice:

Set up a target in the backyard and practice serving to it.

- Pepper:

If you have two players, they can practice bumping and setting to each other.

Another pepper partner volleyball drill that I like to have players do is the "set set hit to your partner" variation seen here with Talina and Adlai. 

Remember, consistency is key.

Even 15 minutes of practice a day can make a big difference!

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball: 
Step 5: Join a Beginner's Program

Las Vegas and the surrounding areas offer numerous opportunities for young volleyball players:

Las Vegas and the surrounding areas offer numerous opportunities for young volleyball players:

- YMCA of Southern Nevada: Offers youth volleyball programs for various age groups.

- City of Las Vegas Parks and Recreation:

I ran my award-winning Boot Camp Classes and clinics for years for the City of Las Vegas  until I moved to Henderson.

Depending on which part of the city you live in lots of clubs have quality tweens programs also known as Fall Ball that begin 6 to 8 week clinic programs starting in August after school starts.  Check out clubs like Tstreet Vegas, Top Flight, Vegas Aces and Dig This Volleyball websites for more information.

For those in nearby areas:

-St. George:

Check out the Washington County Recreation Center for youth programs.

- Phoenix:

The Arizona Region of USA Volleyball has extensive youth offerings.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball
Step 6: Understand Volleyball Positions

As your child progresses, they'll learn about different positions:

- Setter:

The playmaker who sets up attacks.

- Outside Hitter:

Attacks from the left side of the court.

- Middle Blocker:

Plays at the net, focusing on blocking and quick attacks.

Opposite Hitter:

Plays opposite the setter, often a strong attacker.

- Libero:

A defensive specialist who wears a different colored jersey.

Don't worry about specializing early. It's great for beginners to try all positions!

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball: 
Step 7: Learn Volleyball Etiquette

Volleyball has a strong culture of sportsmanship. Teach your child to:

- Respect teammates, opponents, and officials.

- Celebrate points with enthusiasm but without taunting opponents.

- Take responsibility for their actions on the court.

- Communicate clearly and positively with teammates.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball:
Step 8: Stay Hydrated and Healthy

In our hot desert climate, hydration is crucial. Ensure your child:

- Drinks plenty of water before, during, and after play.

- Wears sunscreen for outdoor play.

- Takes breaks in the shade during outdoor practices.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball: 
Step 9: Get Involved as a Volleyball Mom

Your support is crucial to your child's volleyball journey:

- Attend games and cheer positively.
- Help with at-home practice.
- Volunteer with local leagues or clubs.
- Network with other volleyball families for carpooling and support.

The Vegas Mom's Guide On How To Start Playing Volleyball:
Step 10: Keep It Fun!

Remember, the primary goal is for your child to enjoy the sport.

Encourage effort over outcome, celebrate small victories, and keep the atmosphere positive.

Your Child's Volleyball Adventure Begins!

Starting volleyball can be an exciting journey for both you and your child.

Here in Las Vegas and the Southwest, we're lucky to have great weather, fantastic facilities, and a vibrant volleyball community.

Whether your child dreams of playing in college or just wants to have fun and make friends, volleyball offers something for everyone.

Remember, every great player started as a beginner.

With patience, practice, and the right support, your child can develop a lifelong love for this amazing sport. So, are you ready to get started?

Grab a volleyball, head to the nearest court, and let the games begin!

If you have any questions or need more personalized advice, don't hesitate to reach out. As a local Vegas coach, I'm always here to help our community's budding volleyball stars shine!

How To Start Playing Volleyball
Where do you need to go now? 

Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about the volleyball information on Improve Your in the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Information section in the drop down menu at the top of the page

Read more about how to start playing volleyball on ImproveYourVolley on these pages. 

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What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

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Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.

Be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter so you can learn more each week!

Stay strong! Stay motivated!

-Coach April


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Let's power up the Vegas volleyball scene together!

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