Dear Volleyball Mom, 
Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.Dear Volleyball Mom, Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

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Motivational Stories and Quotes For Volleyball Players By Volleyball Players

I handpicked these inspiring quotes for volleyball players by Zoe Fleckk, Ben Patch, Deja McClendon, Kim Hill, Danielle Scott sharing advice on lessons learned. 

Ben Patch Quotes For Volleyball Players On Being Authentic

Being Ben.


The Process.

🏐“My biggest strength has been putting my whole personality or who I am into the sport.

🏐And that kind of transcends into what
I'm doing now.

🏐Design and creative direction and things like that.

🏐I don't think life is about compartmentalising who you are and I think we all have so much capability and are so much more dynamic than we might even understand.” head to to read the story

@voostore @on_running joined me at my pottery studio to speak about my volleyball career and the start of our new Interior Design studio @be.assembly.

Repost from @benjaminpatch

Quotes For Volleyball Players From Gopher Coach Kriskels Who Asks Questions When Coaching  Players

Love how coach asks questions..
✔️Important to find out how players make their decisions
✔️Can’t always assume you know what they’re thinking and why .. best to ask.. some intentions are correct but execution can be improved upon
✔️great way to find out if they’ve been listening to you
Repost from @gophervball

Communication, feedback, development 👌

@kriskels12 🎙️

Zoe Fleckk Quotes For Volleyball Players on The Importance of Studying Film 

Such an inspiring story about

✔️goal setting
✔️self determination
✔️truth telling to one’s self
✔️mental toughness
✔️emotional strength
✔️mindset management

Repost from @zfleckk

probably the most asked question I get is how I went from a walk-on at UCSB & losing my love of the game, to an All-American & National Champion at Texas… and the answer is FILM STUDY!
I decided to take control of my learning experience and I began watching my own practices and matches, as well as some professional volleyball. I closely watched some of the best liberos in the world play and figured out what techniques they were using to pass more efficiently and dig more balls than I was. then I created specific technique goals for each practice and watched the practice film to see if what I was trying to do was actually happening & how it was working. I did this every single day! slowly but surely my passing became more efficient, I started to dig more balls, and I found myself able to read the game faster.
ALL of that came from taking control of my learning process by watching film!! YOU CAN TOO :)

Kim Hill Quotes For Volleyball Players On Self Talk

Kim talks about “how to deal with a negative thought” quickly…
Repost from @leagueonevolleyball

You don’t win at the highest level like @kimjayehill without being strong mentally. Kim talks about covering negative thoughts with positive ones to stay in the moment 🫡

Deja McClendon Quotes For Volleyball Players Who Have Alopecia or are Bald

Save the date! 💜💜

Repost from @baldgirlsdolunch

SAVE THE DATES––We are so excited that the incredible Deja McClendon is our partner as an ambassador for Bald Girls Do Lunch. ⁠

As a professional volleyball player with @auprosports, Deja has used her visibility, talent and passion on the court to promote Alopecia awareness. ⁠

Don’t miss this chance to meet Deja in Pennsylvania. ⁠

April 15, 2023 - Philadelphia ⁠

April 21, 2023 - Penn State⁠

💜 #AUVolleyball #BeUnlimited #AlopeciaAwareness #BaldGirlsDoLunch @AUProSports @AUProVolleyball @dejabeja

Danielle Scott Arruda - 5-time Olympian Has Quotes For Volleyball Players On Being The Best, Being A Mom And Supporting LOVB

ps. Probably time to do another Las Vegas camp together since it’s been 5 years…❤️🤍💙
Repost from @leagueonevolleyball

A conversation with the legendary @danielle02scott 🤍

Danielle is the greatest to do it.

A @lbsuwvb National Champion and POTY, Danielle competed in 5 Olympics during her 22 years on the @usavolleyball Women’s National Team, receiving numerous Best Blocker, Best Spiker and MVP Awards.

Hear about her journey becoming one of the most elite of all time, her beautiful experience as a mother, and now her role is creating a home for American professional volleyball.


Stanford Coach and Olympian Kevin Hambly With Words of Wisdom and Quotes For Volleyball Players 

Words of wisdom

Repost from @volleybrains_com

Kevin Hambly:’I think I would want it to say: Volleyball is what you do, not who you are. And that your identity isn't a volleyball player.

Your identity is whoever you are. And do everything you can to make sure that those are uncoupled.

Because if you're coupling it and it goes bad, if you're going bad as a player, then you're not okay.

If you wanna make the mistakes necessary to grow, it's hard, because you'll feel bad about yourself, because you're making those errors.

I just would want to do everything I can and do everything I can to uncouple those two things.’

More on

Quotes For Volleyball Players From Two-time Olympic Silver Medal Libero Nicole Davis on Confidence, Grit, Anxiety and Authenticity. 

Repost @nicolemdavis6

So fired up to be on @realpod this week! We dive into confidence, grit, anxiety and authenticity.

It’s been so fun watching @victoriagarrick wrestle with these concepts and others that we ALL wrestle with - that impact our mental health and how we experience our pursuits - and come out on the other side of it feeling grounded and capable! I hope this conversation helps anyone listening find joy in their pursuit of what’s possible! #mindset #mentalhealth #mindfulness #confidence #authenticity #joy #happiness #challenge @competetocreate

Do You Follow Me on Pinterest?

Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.

These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.

Sign up now!Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience. These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis. Sign up now!

Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

For more inspirational volleyball quotes for check out the pages below

Here are three options: 

  1. Learn more about the volleyball quotes, sayings and shirts in the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the Information section in the drop down menu at the top of the page

Read more about Coach April's  Volleybragswag inspirational volleyball quotes 

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What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

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From Lady Vol to Legend: Coach April Produces Powerful Passionate that you?

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Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.

Be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter so you can learn more each week!

Stay strong! Stay motivated!

-Coach April


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Vegas Volleyball's Unsung Heroes: Celebrating Moms with Peace Love Volleyball Shirts

Ready to energize your volleyball mom journey?

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You'll receive energy-boosting tips, exclusive insights from me,        Coach April Chapple on maintaining momentum in volleyball.

Let's power up the Vegas volleyball scene together!

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