Dear Volleyball Mom, 
Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.Dear Volleyball Mom, Do You Know What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? I invite You to read what my private volleyball training mission says before considering hiring me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

For 2023 Where And When Is The NCAA Volleyball Championship On TV?

When is NCAA Volleyball Championship in 2023? It's now on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. ET. and broadcast live on ABC announced by ESPN and NCAA on June 29.

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For 2023 Where And When Is NCAA Volleyball Championship On TV?

ESPN and the NCAA have announced that the 2023 NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Championship will be broadcast live on ABC on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 3 p.m. ET.

The semifinals will remain on Thursday, Dec. 14 on ESPN, with

  • the first semifinal airing at 7 p.m. and
  • the second semifinal airing 30 minutes after the completion of the first.

“NCAA women’s volleyball has been a focus of our overall growth efforts for some time now as we continue to build upon our deep commitment to women’s sports, and moving the championship to ABC is the next step in that strategy,” said Dan Margulis, ESPN senior director, Programming & Acquisitions.

“With the additional coverage on our college networks and ESPN+ over the past several years, we now carry more than 2,500 NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball matches each season.

Adding ABC to the line-up will enhance our efforts to grow a sport with incredible talent and an already extremely loyal fanbase.”

For 2023 Where And When Is NCAA Volleyball Championship On TV?

"Airing the NCAA Women's Volleyball Championship Match on ABC is indicative of the passionate following this great sport and these student athletes continue to garner and deserve," said Pauline Thiros, NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball committee chair.

The collaboration between ESPN, NCAA Championships staff, and NCAA Volleyball coaches to create greater exposure for Women's Volleyball has been stellar, and will further enhance the experience for our athletes and audience alike in years to come.

I am very optimistic about the future success of this event, and its position on major platforms. Kudos to ESPN its executives for their commitment to showcasing the tremendous talent and athleticism NCAA Volleyball has to offer."

The 2023 NCAA Division I Women’s Volleyball Championship will be held at Amalie Arena in Tampa, Fla., with tickets going on sale in August.

From Press Release

Watch the 2022 NCAA women's volleyball national championship match, played between Texas and Louisville in Omaha, Nebraska.

Texas sought its first title in a decade while Louisville was playing in its first-ever championship game.

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Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.

These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.

Sign up now!Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience. These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis. Sign up now!

Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

You might like these pages below about when is NCAA volleyball championship and other important volleyball tournaments. . 

What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas?
You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.What Sets My Private Volleyball Training Apart From Anyone In Vegas? You should learn what my private volleyball training mission says before you hiring to me as a private volleyball coach because I'm not available for everyone.

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From Lady Vol to Legend: Coach April Produces Powerful Passionate that you?

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Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.

Be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter so you can learn more each week!

Stay strong! Stay motivated!

-Coach April


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Vegas Volleyball's Unsung Heroes: Celebrating Moms with Peace Love Volleyball Shirts

Ready to energize your volleyball mom journey?

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You'll receive energy-boosting tips, exclusive insights from me,        Coach April Chapple on maintaining momentum in volleyball.

Let's power up the Vegas volleyball scene together!

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