How many types of serves in volleyball are there?
There are three main types of serves that Vegas varsity players should learn how to do.
The underhand, the overhand serve and the jump serve.
When players first learn the basic skills in volleyball they are usually taught how to underhand serve first.
A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Underhand Serve in Volleyball
The underhand serve is done by
Click here to read more about the underhand serve.
Volleyball serve skills: Sophia performs the standing float serve during Fridays Advanced Skills clinic at Vets.
The next two types of serves in volleyball are important because when done correctly they are designed to make it difficult for passers in serve receive to pass the ball easily to their setter.
With the floater overhand volleyball serve:
Imagine giving a friend a "high five" keeping your elbow above the level of your ear while you rotate to contact the ball.
Then the ball drops suddenly to the floor making it super difficult for a passer to track and pass the ball to their setter target.
The standing topspin serve is another type of overhand volleyball serve.
The primary difference in performing the topspin serve is
a. the wrist isn't stiff, its loose when contacting the ball and bends so the serving hand contacts the top third of the ball.
Contacting the top third of the ball
insures the ball crosses the net with a lot of pace and velocity like a spiked hit.
I think its a great idea to share some scenarios where different types of serves in volleyball is used.
If you understand when and how to use different serve techniques strategically you can greatly impact the game.
Consider the following example scenarios:
1. Underhand Serve:
The underhand serve is often the first type of serve that beginners learn and is used when players are first learning the game or in situations requiring a high level of control, such as accurately placing the ball into a specific area of the opponent's court during serve receive.
I learned how to do a high paced precisely located underhand serve after training with several Asian coaches who use the underhand serve in fast paced drills with their players.
When used well, the underhand serve can become a point scoring option that opposing receivers easily underestimate.
2. Overhand Float Serve
Once I learned about the overhand float serve I made it my mission in college to score as many points as I could each set or match with a tough serve.
Volleyball Serving Drills: Addi, Piper and Hadley Working on their Jump Float Serve To Chairs for Accuracy and Points during semiprivate training with me
I practiced for hours just on my serve so I could deliver it at any time to any place on the court in order to make opposing passers have to move out of their base passing position to chase the ball or I'd serve right at them in order to force them to shank the ball so it would be a direct point for my team.
Now I spend a lot of time with my clients on serving drills so they too become known for having consistently tough point scoring serves.
Make sure you work on keeping a consistent ball toss in your practice drills, a toss with no backspin helps make this serve even more challenging for the opposing passers to get a well-controlled pass.
A 12-year old with a tough top spin jump serve!
3. Overhand Topspin Serve:
Simply said, if you want to get the ball over the net fast and hard you use the overhand topspin serve with your jump approach.
The float serve is the finesse serve while the topspin is the power serve.
-April Chapple
The topspin serve is used when you want to generate power and add spin with a downward trajectory once the ball crosses the net to the serve.
Even younger players are getting really good at including the topspin serve in their toolbox of skills they can use during their match when they need to start a rally after the ref blows their whistle.
This places increased pressure on the passers that're on serve receive, because the ball is coming over the net at a super fast speed so making it more difficult to move to the ball in order to execute a clean pass.
4. Jump Serve
The jump serve is the second type of serve that most young players learn during their playing career.
Combining the three or four step approach with the standing float serve technique is what players learn how to coordinate in practice...putting the timing together with their upper body work with their lower body approach...
The jump serve is a dynamic and powerful serve technique.
It is used by more advanced players who can generate high speeds, lots of pace and velocity, making it difficult for the opposing team to pass which increases the potential scoring opportunities.
By carefully assessing the game situation, understanding opponent weaknesses, and considering your team's strengths, you can strategically choose the most suitable serve technique to gain a competitive advantage.
Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!
I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
Your three options are:
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-Coach April
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