Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

Volleyball Drill Videos of My Exercises To Improve Volleyball Skills

Want to know what some good volleyball drills are? Here are a series of volleyball drill videos of exercises that I do with players who train with me weekly.  

Here are a series of my volleyball drill videos that show one player, two player, three player and six player volleyball drills that we do in 

  • Private Training
  • Semi-Private Training
  • Serve-Pass-Dig volleyball clinics 
  • College Breakfast Club Series

What are some good volleyball drills you can do at home or in practice?

Volleyball Drill Videos: Serve and Pass: Full Court Cross Court Serve and Pass Drill

Two passing lines - Left Back and right back

Two players on deck behind them in each line

Two servers on the opposite court

Two servers behind them on deck

One target on the passer side

Both servers alternate and take turns serving cross court.

👉🏾Passer passes and then follows the passed ball to become the new target.

👉🏾Target catches passed ball and goes under the net cross court to serve.

👉🏾Server after their serve runs along their nearest sideline to get into the passing line on the other side.

After 2-3 minute warmup , start a count/set a goal for 50 good settable balls.

Variations you can try:

  • -with a time limit (50 settable passes in 3/4/5 minutes)
  • At 30 passes two shanks in a row is minus 1
  • At 30 passes no overhead passing
  • At 40 passes one passing error is minus 1
  •  30 or 40 passes servers can mix in short cross court serves
  • At 45 passes one passing error is minus 2

         Volleyball Drill Videos: Serve and Pass: Full Court Serve and Pass Drill

College Breakfast Club

                       Registration is open for                       Saturday June 18 and 25 and July 9, 16 and 30

11:00 - 12:30


For current college and outgoing senior players -coed 

For more info and/or to register: email 

Volleyball Drill Videos: Exercises Against The Wall Can Be Done At Home To Improve Ball Control

Volleyball wall passing and wall setting drills can be done daily at home with a goal of at least 250 - 500 reps of various drills to keep your passing or setting technique, angled platform work, ball contacting skills and control of the ball.....extremely sharp! 

Pick a brick, a specific spot on the wall or mark a big X in chalk on a wall or use a basketball net or backboard matter what... anybody walking by.... should be able to see exactly where the spot is that you are aiming for EVERY...single....time .⁠

Do 3 to 5sets of 100... five feet from the wall ....then side step two feet and repeat. Then step back and repeat.⁠Complete 300 to 500 passing repetitions ⁠

You’re welcome!

Volleyball Drill Videos - Get The Ball To The Target Without Making The Target Move- Kenny Passes

How precise is your passing?

Can you pass a ball to a target without making the target move..even one step?

Want to increase your passing precision?

Try standing at the free throw line on a basketball court and pass a ball from the free throw line into the  basketball basket....then shag your ball and jog to the other free throw line ...and try again.

Give yourself ten minutes jogging between free throw lines and see how many you can do.

You have to be very precise in order to pass the ball into a basketball basket...multiple'll take a ton of attempts....and you'll fail a TON of times...but keep trying...

While playing on a team professionally overseas It took me forever to sprint back and forth and get 20 baskets in 5 minutes......but if you accept the'll build your cardio and your passing precision at the same time...which makes it  a great drill to try during the summer.

Volleyball Drill Videos: Exercises You Can Do To Help Your Dig Ball Control  

3 hitting and digging volleyball defensive drills that you can do at home to help increase your ball control skills when playing defense in the back court.

Learn three new hitting and digging volleyball defensive drills without a net you can do regularly at home or in your next volleyball practice and/or classes. 

For more info go to

Do You Follow Me on Instagram?

Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

Volleyball Drill Videos: 
Where Do You Go From Here?

Your three options are: 

  1. You can learn more about Drills by visiting the Related Links below.  
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page  Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the How to Play Volleyball section in the drop down menu at the top of the page to get started. 

Learn more about volleyball drill videos on these pages!

  • Improve Your Volleyball Playing with Private Head Coach April Chapple
  •  ›
  • Best Volleyball Drills For Setters, Hitters, Liberos, Passers and Blockers
  •  ›
  • Volleyball Drill Videos of My Exercises To Improve Volleyball Skills
  •  ›

    Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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    Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.

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    Stay strong! Stay motivated!

    -Coach April


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