The Hit and Dig drill is one of the dig volleyball drills I really like to do in my private trainings, boot camp classes and Breakfast club clinics because it focuses on improving hitting arm swing technique and digging timing and technique for players who like you, want to get better at getting hard hit balls up in the back row.
How I do the Hit and Dig Volleyball Drills for beginners first learning this drill.
👉🏾Hitter-Left hand toss - right hand controlled swing to your partner
👉🏾Digger digs controlling the ball so it’s 10-12 feet in the air and 1-2 feet in front of them
👉🏾Digger goal is to only have to take one step (or less) to catch the ball after the dig.
👉🏾Digger must catch the ball no matter where it is
✔️Keep elbow high when contacting the ball “at 12 o’clock” with a controlled armswing
✔️Keep hip open until you begin your swing to contact the ball to hit..
✔️Avoid swinging your arms (platform) when digging.. otherwise you end up chasing an uncontrolled ball
When you are digging in the Hit and Dig drill you should be working on five things
🏐first getting the hips under the ball fast
🏐second keeping arms further away from the body (you should be able to fit a volleyball under your arm pits-that's the perfect distance!)
🏐third digging the ball from a lower point without rising out of your squat
Perfection! Watch as Ella works on her best technically perfect armswing while Carm watches when she's about to contact the ball and lowers her hips and extends her hands together to form her platform before Ella contacts the ball..keeping elbows straight hen digging so the ball comes right back to her target...Ella..without making her move,
Two keys to remember..
🏐eliminate extra body movements that don’t help you perform the skill
🏐get comfortable staying lower to the floor
This is my advanced way to do the traditional dig volleyball drill which is a version of the traditional pepper drill where you... set and hit pepper drill which I often use in practice and training sessions. This version makes the pepper drill become
The pepper drill is normally done
In my version how about we break the rules and we have one partner dig to self, set to self then control hit the ball to their partner.
So now it becomes hit and dig pepper....(insert evil coach grin here..)
Watch Adlai and Beck work on hit and dig volleyball drills during one of our partner pepper warmups in our Boot Camp training sessions.)
See how many consecutive dig/set/hits you can do in a row with your pepper partner.
This is definitely for more advanced players with good ball control skills who can hit (or who wants to work on hitting) the ball to a new target every time the ball is dug back to them.
Another version of this Hit and Dig Pepper drill that we do is to work on improving player ball control skills by having each pepper partner dig to themselves then hit to their partner....then partner does the same.
Start with a controlled down ball to your partner with the ball aimed at dropping a little higher than usual so between belly button and top of thighs....
Look setting hands...
What does this do?
Now you and your partner have touched the ball twice using two different skills in rapid succession which trains the brain to think and act quickly while staying in control.
Jacob (hitting) and Adlai (digging) work on the very advanced version of the hitting and volleyball digging drills we do in Breakfast Club.
If you're the outside hitter in a long rally and you need to put the ball way to score a point for your team, you'll need to be able to hit the ball to different spots on the court....
....meanwhile if you're the defensive player in a long rally you need to be able to read and be in the right spot at the right time.....that's what this digging drill is working on..
Do the same version I explain in the previous paragraph but now the digger (in the video its Jacob) has to move to a different spot on the court after he hits to Sierra Leone...and Sierra Leone has to "find" her target and be able to hit right at Jacob.
Do this for time and then partners flip flop so now in the above video Sierra Leone has switched with Jacob and has to move to different spots on the court.
Here are the main points I've covered about "Dig Volleyball Drills":
- Building Fundamentals:
Understanding what a dig is and why it's critical in volleyball can help you get the most out of your practice drills.
- Variety of Drills:
There are numerous drills you can utilize to improve your digging skills. Some drills such as the "Hit and Dig Volleyball Drills with Partners Dig To Self, Set To Self" and "Hit and Dig Pepper Drills with Only Hitting and Digging No Setting" help increase precision, early platform angles and to maintain focus in the middle of distractions.
- Customized Drills:
Depending on your skill level and specific needs, you can choose different versions of drills. "Hit And Dig Volleyball Drills" cater to both beginners and advanced players, focusing on improving hitting arm swing technique and digging timing and technque.
- Consistent Practice:
The key to mastering digging skills lies in consistent and quality practice with tons and tons of reps. Challenge yourself by progressively increasing drill difficulty levels and tracking your improvements over time.
- Useful Resources:
Take advantage of available resources including professional training guides, videos and books to broaden your practice routine and deepen your understanding.
- Additional Training Tools:
Using training tools such as affiliate resources from Amazon not only enhances your drilling experience but also supports the creators of such valuable content.
Remember, becoming a skilled digger in volleyball takes time, patience, and dedication, but with the right drills and resources, you're well on your way to mastering this essential skill.
Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
These are all resources that I find incredibly helpful and would recommend even without the affiliate link.
Volleyball Drills for Champions: Mastering Key Skills with 7 Winning Coaches
Now, seven of the world's top coaches have put together an all-star collection of practice activities in Volleyball Drills for Champions.
Each drill is a winner and will help maximize every minute of practice time. It's the perfect tool for developing championship-level players and teams.
This invaluable practice manual covers every facet of the game, as each coach provides several proven drills for each key volleyball skill:
-Serving: Russ Rose, Pennsylvania State University
-Passing: Lisa Love, University of Southern California
-Setting: John Dunning, University of the Pacific
-Attacking: Brad Saindon, Australia National Team
-Blocking: Greg Giovanazzi, University of Michigan
-Digging: Jim Stone, Ohio State University -In addition, editor Mary Wise, head coach at the University of Florida, contributes valuable insights for designing drills and incorporating them into effective practice sessions.
Now, with Volleyball Drills for Champions, you can learn from the best and make your practices more productive every time you take the court.
The Volleyball Drill Book Paperback – June 15, 2012 by American Volleyball Coaches Association (Editor)
With drills covering every facet of the sport, The Volleyball Drill Book is the most comprehensive resource for today’s players and coaches. Inside you’ll find the game’s most effective drills for these and many other aspects of the game:
- Ball handling
- Passing
- Serving
- Team building
- Situational play
- Offense
- Defense
- Transition play
Complete with detailed diagrams, illustrations, coaching tips, variations, and practice advice, The Volleyball Drill Book provides you with everything you need to master essential skills, sharpen execution, and improve on-court performance.
Whether you wish to develop new skills or fine-tune your game, rely on the drills that have produced the sport’s top players and most dominating teams. The Volleyball Drill Book is the one and only drill book you’ll ever need.
Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!
I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
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