Check out some of the easy volleyball passing drills that we do in my advanced Breakfast Club trainings and Happy hour classes.
Beck and Kate kill it when I challenge them to a passing patience drill.
(Volume up)
Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Volleyball Players
Easy Volleyball Passing Drills You Can Do (While in Quarantine Or not) At Home
If you're ever in quarantine or stuck at home or are looking for ways to get a ton of passing reps in...where you can check yourself to see how many balls you can get to your target...then grab a Mom, a Dad a little bro or sister....have them stand in a spot opposite you...obviously 6 feet or a little more away.....
Position yourself so you are facing them but you are 4-5 feet to the right of if you are in left back (Zone 5 in the court) and they are in Zone 3 or just off center.
You start with a ball and they start with a ball...
The ball they toss to have to pass back to them....without making them move.
The ball you toss to them...they just catch....and so on and so on....
You are working on
Passing Technique-
a. keeping elbows straight - even though you're getting an easy pass, the temptation is to bend the elbows and scoop the ball....LET'S NOT because...your brain is recording...what it should be doing now...while the ball is moving slowly...make sure you're doing the correct when the ball moves'll do the same correct technique faster speeds
b. freeze the platform - at contact - freeze and hold the platform....
1. this helps keep the ball in the air longer
2. it makes it easier for the setter or the "next player" who'll touch the ball to read where the ball is they can anticipate early where to be...and beat the ball there
c. keep hips lower than the ball - which helps give the ball an upward trajectory
Great job Sierra!!
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I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
Easy Volleyball Passing Drills:
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