This is a point for Jacob's team because the opposing blocker was the last person to "touch" the ball before it went out of bounds.
Smart hitters "use the block" also called "wiping the ball off the block" which is purposefully tipping the ball into the blockers arms with a wiping motion (without lifting the ball) so after making contact with the blocker..the ball falls to the floor out of bounds.
You can practice wiping the ball or using the block in one on one situations or in live game like team vs team scrimmage situations.
Watch as outside hitter Jacob swings hard and purposefully wipes the ball against the outside arm of Tommi's block to score a point in this rally during volleyball practice.
On the court for Breakfast
Club class Kate Prior (BYU), Kamry Baily (Utah), Brooklyn (Univ of Connecticut), Tommi Stockham (Cal Poly) Sierra Leone Sanchez (Adam State), Ken Buen (Vanguard Univ), Jacob Ceci (GCU)
In some practices I'll set up a left side hitter on one side of the net who's competing against a right side blocker on the other side of the net.
Both players start at the net with the Coach in the setter's position ready to toss balls to the hitter who will start the drill.
Lets say the left side hitter starts first.
When Coach slaps the ball left side hitter transitions off the net and has been instructed to only hit the ball down the line.
Creates a hitter vs blocker situation and depending on how many touches I tell all the players on each side they can take..will depend on the quantity of block touches and block attempts made during each rally.
In the Skinny Court drill below there are three hits (or less) to a side.
In the drill seen below that both sides were only allowed two contacts per side...which speeds up the game and forces players to decide and react quickly to what plays they're going to make.
In the drill seen below...both sides were only allowed two contacts per side...which speeds up the game and forces players to decide and react quickly to what plays they're going to make.
So blocks, digs and hits have to happen fast...
Watch how Sophia, the only female and the smallest on the court..has no problem attacking the ball aggressively against a big block.
Wiping off the block is a big focus in two of these volleyball drills to improve hitting especially for shorter attackers looking for point scoring strategies when up against big blockers.
Five vs Five No Middle Drill
I LOVE this drill.
It pits both the outside blockers and opposing hitters against each other which creates many one on one opportunities where hitters practice seeing and hitting to the open spaces on the court while testing their ability to get the ball past the one opposing blocker.
Watch how Brooklyn (big white tshirt right front on the other side of the net) the shorter hitter blocker has to hit past and then block #83....using a quick armswing, aggressive spike approach and a high reach so she hits the ball before the block stops her.
Follow me on Pinterest Volleybragswag to improve your game even faster!
I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
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-Coach April
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Mar 16, 25 02:59 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:53 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:50 AM