Here's a twist on some commonly used volleyball slang terms that I chose to feature on my new line of volleyball t shirts.
Since I put together a new collection of funny volleyball player quotes by pairing the plural form of the word "ball" to create new definitions for common volleyball lingo like:
In my ETSY shop called Volleybragswag there are over 35 volleyball slang terms featured on volleyball t shirts, hoodies and long sleeve shirts in my collection.
Take a look at some of my fun volleyball designs that you'll find on my shirts and power nap pillows.
FLIPPER When You Backhand Your Balls So You Can Flick Them in The Air.
The flipper qualifies as one of the popular volleyball slang terms used in defense to describe when a digger uses the back of their hand to dig a ball by flipping it back in the air before it touches the ground.
THUMP when you hit your ball so hard they bounce in the air.
When a hitter hits a ball very hard they "thumped" it and the ball bounces high into the air as a demonstration of the force used with the swing.
Want to know three volleyball slang terms that explain how to get the ball back so your team can serve again in an effort to score a point?
When you score an "ace" in a volleyball game that means that at the beginning of a rally after the referee blows the whistle you served the ball in an aggressive or strategic way so that the ball once it crosses the net into the other team's court
What's so good about being able to serve an ace or serve multiple aces in a game?
Since serving is the only skill in volleyball where you can score points without the help of a teammate, you are in total control from start to finish of getting really good at this particular skill.
You can work on a ton of different serving drills on your own that help you develop a tough serve anywhere on the opposing team's court. I did this and I became such a good server that I still hold service ace records at the University of Tennesee Knoxville after all this time.
I wanted to be personally responsible for scoring as many points a game from the service line for my team that I could so I spent alot of my free time working on being able to make a very tough serve and that I could serve any small space on the opposing team's court at any point during a match.
This is something you can do too.
What's a sideout in volleyball?
With rally scoring, a team that is serving earns a point and the right to serve when they score a point.
When the team in serve receive wins the rally, they earn a point for their team, they rotate one position, and a new server earns the right to serve to start the new rally.
The act of winning a rally when your team is not serving is called a sideout.
Three common ways for you to sideout in volleyball are
What does a kill mean in volleyball?
When you hit a ball hard enough with a powerful armswing or tip the ball over the block so it hits the floor before anyone on the opposing team can dig it and make it a playable ball... is a way to score a point for your team.
Your three options are:
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-Coach April
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Mar 16, 25 02:59 AM
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