In this simple guide, I teach you how to improve your jump float serve in volleyball by measuring your steps, creating a serving ritual, and perfecting your toss.
When done correctly, the jump float serve in volleyball is difficult for opponents to return.
The jump float serve in volleyball is a powerful way you can score an ace, a direct point by yourself, without the help of any other teammate with a serve that floats, dips and bobs after you contact it in the air as it makes its way over the net making it difficult to pass by the opposing team.
How valuable does this make you to your team?
When done correctly the jump float serve is difficult for them to return.
I will guide you through the steps needed to develop a powerful jump floater from
Before starting your jump float serve, most players create a serving ritual before they do each serve.
A serving ritual is a way to "get settled" and get focused on the serve you're about to do next.
Addi works on her jump float serve toss consistency while aiming for a deep line serve to Zone 5.
They pause and stand with their heels on the service line with their back to the net before walking back to where they want to begin their serve, while taking a very precise number of steps, the same number of steps they plan to use during their serving approach.
Doing this ritual does two things.
It helps players measure out the correct steps and the distance each step is going to be so they get set up before the serve in the correct distance they need to be from the service line so they don't step on the line before they launch themselves in the air to jump.
Once you've turned around to face the net, you'll be standing facing the net about four steps away from the service line with your non-dominant foot slightly forward slightly in front of the foot you're going to use to take your first step in your serving approach.
Face your target.
When you are preparing to jump float serve in volleyball the float serve, you want to show everybody in the gym where you intend to serve the ball.
Pointing your body in one direction and then serving to another area on the court rarely “fakes out” the players in serve receive.
You will always be off-balance, and this will increase your chances of
Be sure that your
are all facing your intended target once
your serving action.
Serving Tips For Volleyball-
It's critical when you proceed through all of the serving steps, that you toss the ball the same way every time you serve.
Let that passer know that you are serving them.
Trust me, let that passer think about what kinds of trouble your serve is about to cause them.
Your serving arm should be extended towards the ceiling with the palm facing the opposite wall while keeping your elbow close to your ear, so your arms form the shape of an L.
Addi performs the jump float serve in volleyball during semi private training lessons focusing on a consistent toss
To deliver a consistent toss, toss the ball with an open hand, keeping your tossing arm straight and your elbow locked. Guide the ball with your open palm 4-5 feet above your head and in front of you before or while you take your first step ...
Ideally the ball should travel straight up and down in front of your serving arm that will be contacting the ball.
It takes a lot of practice reps to get your toss right where you need it every time so be sure to do tons of tossing reps in volleyball practice.
Players are given a specific amount of time to serve a pre-determined number of balls to the target area formed by the chairs. hitting the middle of the chairs is rewarded more than just hitting the chairs in this case but coaches can come up with their own rules in irder to make this a tougher or easier drill.
Once the toss reaches its highest point then you complete your last two steps of your three step or four step approach while rotating hip and shoulder which brings the serving arm and hand to the ball, contacting the middle panels of the ball with the middle of your hand.
My College Breakfast Club training group working on jump float serve skills specifically hand to ball and toss consistency.
The jump float serve volleyball approach is where you build the momentum like a plane going down the runway that creates the power you need to generate to jump high in the air and create the pace needed to get the ball quickly over the net.
The approach is where you build the momentum like a plane going down the runway that creates the power you need to generate to jump high in the air and create the pace needed to get the ball quickly over the net.
Like your spike approach your first step or first two steps if you have a four step spike approach are slower smaller steps then the last two steps are your largest and most aggressive.
The last two steps are your most aggressive – a big step with your left foot, followed by a quick right-left-step if you're right handed and the opposite if you're a lefty.
I like to tell my clients that they want to treat the floor like a trampoline...and really attack the last two steps aggressively in order to launch themselves higher in the air.
Unlike the top spin serve, where you contact the ball with arm follow through and bent wrist.... for the jump float serve you keep your wrist rigid and hand flat and straight on contact which creates a lot of float and unpredictable movement making the ball dip and float in the air with a lot of pace when it crosses the court and over the net making this type of serve very difficult to pass by players in serve receive.
The overhand jump serve volleyball technique adds more speed and momentum to the ball than a standing serve making it more challenging for the receivers to read and control.
Practice Makes Perfect
Finally, remember that everyone has a different style and rhythm. Pay attention to what works best for you and adapt the steps as necessary. With practice, dedication, and persistence, you will not only increase your serving power but also become a more valuable player to your team.
Be sure that your
are all facing your intended target once
your serving action
Mastering the jump float serve in volleyball requires a focus on creating a serving ritual, measuring your steps, perfecting your toss, and mastering your approach.
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I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
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