So you want to discover what is volleyball all about? Do you want to know more about how do you play volleyball?
Let's talk about the basic volleyball skills....
First, lets learn how to you'll have to learn how to serve a ball.
What Is Volleyball All About? 8 Rules On How To Properly Play Volleyball: 8 Volleyball Serve Rules on the Toss and How To Consistently Serve Over The Net
When a player scores a point with their serve its called an ace.
An ace is a serve that is so well placed that it lands on the opposing team's court before an opposing player is able to play the ball.
a) to score a point directly which happens if the ball hits the floor on the opposing team's court with no one able to get it up first or you
b) serve the ball in an area on the opposing side which makes it difficult for the opposing team to run an offensive attack
Next you'll need to learn how to pass or bump a volleyball.
Passing in volleyball or bumping a ball are two ways to explain the same underhand technique of receiving the serve.
What is passing a ball?
When learning how to play volleyball, you understand that "the pass" is used the majority of the time to get the ball to travel from one player to a teammate, or over the net.
The pass or the bump is used to describe the first contact of the ball after its been served into your court by an opposing team.
The two players in the positions who pass the majority of the balls served by an opposing team are called outside hitters and liberos.
The libero is a back row specialist responsible for passing most of the balls served to the backrow and plays defense only in the backrow.
The outside hitters both left side specialist and right side specialist play in the front row when their team is on offense they move back to the middle of the court to help receive serve.
What is a set?
A set is a way you contact the ball over your head to get the ball to travel from you to another person or over the net .
Coach April Chapple's Volleyball Passing Tips For Youth Volleyball Players
An attack hit or a spike describes the technique commonly used for the third contact in a rally that sends the ball over the net with power.
When learning how to play volleyball its important to learn the importance of hitting to different areas of the court.
Hard hitters with well-placed spikes score for their team all the time.
But smart hitters who see the court and know where to place the ball, out of the reach of opposing players on defense, score just as many points.
So it doesn't always matter how big you are just how talented you are and how well you see the block and the court when it comes down to learning how to spike in volleyball.
A block is the first opportunity for a team on defense to keep the team on offense from hitting into their court.
Once the whistle blows and your team serves the ball over the net, your team is on defense, ready to defend your court.
Your team is trying to keep the opposing team, now on offense, from putting the ball on your court floor.
The first opportunity to do that is at the net.
The three players in your front row are blockers standing with their arms above their shoulders watching the opposing team pass the ball then set the ball, then hit the ball..
When they hit its the job of the blockers to block the ball back into their court so that it doesn't come over the net.
In order to block opposing hitters, blockers follow an eye sequence pattern is called BSBH or Ball - Setter- Ball - Hitter.
Its what both, the diggers in the back row and blockers in the front row do or better yet 'how they watch the offense' in order to try and be in the right place at the right time in order to stop a ball at the net....or keep the ball from hitting their court floor.
A dig is what happens when the ball gets past the defensive team's front row blockers who couldn't stop the ball at the net.
Now its the responsibility of the three back row players on defense to keep the ball off the floor.
They do that by "digging the ball".
To "dig a ball" you are in a defensive position, most frequently in the back row, or if you aren't blocking in the front row and you are positioned outside of your front row blockers as they jump to block a hard driven ball.
You sink your hips low to the floor, below the ball before it gets to you and you use your extended arms in your platform to "dig" or deflect the ball up in the air.
If you are the 'digger" or defender your job is to dig the ball up high enough in the air and ideally to the middle of the court close to the ten foot line, so that the second contact in the rally can be made.
This second contact is most often made by the setter who runs to this ball where ever it has been dug up to on the court and sets it up to one of her front row hitters, so they can attack it with the third hit so that the rally continues.
This was a very basic run through of what a beginner player needs to know before learning how to play volleyball to win.
Now its time to dig deeper into all the history of the sport and especially the skills, rules, positions and terminology used so you can take your game playing abilities to the next level.
What you just read was just a warmup!
Just like in volleyball practice, you do a little stretching to warm up your muscles before getting into the real meaty part of practice.
Here you go through a light review of everything before you really begin to dig deep and take each rule, each position, each skill and really explore it, learn to do tons of reps and go over each drill repeatedly until you get it right.
Read... How To Play Volleyball and Win to get started...
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