Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule Player Comments and Coach Quotes

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes at the Big 10 Media Days event.

 The Wisconsin Badger volleyball schedule 2023,

  • the 6-2 vs the 5-1 this season
  • the transfers
  • how to rebound from the last last season's loss
  • player development progress
  • the European trip this summer
  • the growth of the sport

are topics discussed by Wisconsin's Kelly Sheffield, Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill during the second annual Big Ten Volleyball Media Day event on August 1-2, 2022 in Chicago, Illinois at the Big Ten Network.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball
Schedule 2023

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes at the Big 10 Media Days event.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes on the 6-2 or the 5-1

Q. Kelly, you brought two setters here. Does that mean you're going to stick with the 6-2 system for this year?

KELLY SHEFFIELD: Yeah, they're our setters, they're our leaders, they're our most experienced players, all of that.

We went to Europe, and I gave both of them the opportunity of running a 5-1 over there, so one of them would have a 5-1 for one match and the other one would have the 5-1 in the other match, and they said no, we'd rather run the 6-2 and play both matches.

That's one of the unique things that's really special with both of them is they've embraced this. They work together really, really well. They empower each other at a level that's special. I don't see one trying to sabotage the other or upend -- both of these, believe me, are big-time competitors.

But they're interested in helping each other be better. Will we be running a 6-2? I don't sit there and think one is better than the other, or I'm not married to a system. It's how do we utilize our talents.

I think for this collection of players this upcoming year, a 6-2 is probably accentuates that talent a little bit more.

We'll go in thinking 6-2 but with the ability to go to a 5-1 if we need to.

Q. What do you like about the 6-2 offense and your willingness to work together to run it together?

IZZY ASHBURN: Like he said, we work together a lot. Like in training, it's great in training but more in games. We come off, we get to tell each other what we saw. You get a different perspective watching from that sideline than you do actually setting the ball.

We'll share information. We'll learn throughout the games. We'll watch film together. We'll help each other out at practice. We'll go in the gym together, just us.

It really is just a little team between me and her, our little hands team together, and I think it really does optimize using the scouting that we do before games and allowing us to change that as the game continues on to put our hitters in the best situation possible.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes on the European Trip this summer

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes on the Big 10 Championship and the NCAA Tournament win

Q. Talking about entering into this season, I'm interested to see how maybe your mentality might be any different or the same. You come off a National Championship and entering that year, and then you come close but not quite the ultimate goal, I would imagine. How does that mindset change? Does it leave you hungrier? Does having won the National Championship and been through a season prepare you better to go through this year? What do you think about that?

IZZY ASHBURN: I wouldn't say hungrier. I think every season we start off with expectations that we want to win. We want to play at our best, and we want to win. It's just about getting to the point of where we can play our best. And the end of the season will come when it does, but it's working every single day. It's not just turning it on for the tournament. You've seen that the last few years from us.

It's a growth throughout the season that we're expecting out of each other, and it's pushing each other every single day. But the journey is more important than the ending.

MJ HAMMILL: Like Izzy said, the journey is so important. If you're only motivated by the one game at the end of the year, then you're going to miss all the really important moments along the way, and that's what really prepares you.

I think that's what's so incredible about the Big Ten is every single night you are getting battle tested. You're going to these really difficult, really amazing environments to play in. You're playing against these really, really good teams, and you're learning a lot about yourself along the way so that you're not just, like Izzy said, turning it on for the moment.

KELLY SHEFFIELD: There's your sound bite.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule 2023 Player Comments and Coach Quotes

About Devyn Robinson

Q. What stands out to you about Devyn's development this off-season?

KELLY SHEFFIELD: Devyn has so much talent in her. There's so much joy of playing, of competing. I think the camera shows that very well when you're playing that this is somebody that is -- there's no place on earth that she would rather be.

We utilize her in a lot of different areas. She's hitting third tempo on the pin, second tempo, first tempo, off one foot, off two feet, in the middle, on the right.

She might be the only one that would probably rather us run a 5-1 and that's only because she's been working really hard on serving and digging that she wants to be able to do that in matches.

It was a good spring. I know she's champing at the bit to get to this season.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes on the transfers

Q. Obviously, Coach, you brought in two big transfers from the Big Ten in Temi Thomas-Ailara and Carter Booth. What are the expectations for them this season? And also, the two setters, what it's going to be like getting them integrated into the team and setting for them? Have you noticed how they play and things like that?

KELLY SHEFFIELD: They're two very different personalities, first of all. Both of them are kind of at different points in their careers.

The important thing is they fit. They fit really well. Both of them came in with very different personalities, and on day one, they were trying to carry their weight, if you will. They jumped in.

Carter can be a little bit more boisterous, I would say, and it sounds like day one in the weight room it's "I'm announcing my presence with authority" with her voice, I would say. Temi is probably "I announce with my presence with my authority with how I play." And it was certainly great to have her for a week with us in Europe.

Both of them are extremely talented. Both of them are extremely driven. Both of them have really big goals in front of them, and they fit. They fit from a character standpoint, from a work ethic, from a hunger standpoint and wanting to learn.

When you're going to take in transfers, that is more important than just chasing talent. It is somebody that is going to fit into the culture that you've established and want to be a part of that, is hungry to be a part of it.

Both of them are certainly that.

MJ HAMMILL: I would just add to that, I think a big part of why they're able to fit so well is I think we do a great job of what you see is what you get. They knew coming in, like, this is who we are. And every moment, they saw us in Europe, day in and day out, they got to experience that.

That's something we are who we are, and we're proud of the culture. There's no trying to fake anything, and I think their character just fits so well because they're passionate about the sport. They care about their teammates. They love the school and just appreciate the game.

Q. Obviously the transfers were mentioned earlier, Temi being on the team, what are some of your first impressions of the way she swings and playing with her in general?

IZZY ASHBURN: I want a Temi on our side of the net. After playing her so many years, she's an absolute stud. She works as hard as she plays, off camera even. We see her work ethic right now even in captains' practices and we're just in the gym together. She really did just dive head first in right away with our group when we went to Europe, showing her personality, showing who she is.

She's just a joy of a person and so much fun to play with. But more than anything, she's an aggressive player, and she is somebody you want on your side.

MJ HAMMILL: I think what says a lot about her is she raises the level of play of everybody around her, whether you're a hitter on the other side of the net having to return after she's putting the ball away like that or defenders, blockers.

Even just the way she goes about working, again, like Izzy said, on the court, in front of the cameras and when nobody else is looking and when she's going in the gym by herself. The way she goes about things just increases the level of play of everybody.

The Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule with Izzy Ashburn and MJ Hammill player comments and coach Kelly Sheffield quotes on being on Fox TV this season

Q. Related to that, just how excited are you to see Big Ten volleyball on FOX after the NFL, the fact that it's Gopher-Badgers and it's after Packers-Vikings?

KELLY SHEFFIELD: Yeah, it's about time. It's kind of what took us so long to do that? It's also exciting.

I don't think in person there's a better sport to watch in person. I think for a long time we've had a -- it's been a challenging sport to show on TV, for a lot of different reasons, and I think cameras have been able to show some of the touches and the close plays.

I think we've gotten better behind the cameras at being able to stay on the right things, and I think our announcers have gotten dramatically better.

I think we are on the verge of just blowing this up in a really good way. I think this is -- I think people are going to be able to see the sport that haven't been focused on it much, and they're going to see possibility, and I think we're just on the cusp of being able to -- where there's going to be a lot more of that.

The Wisconsin Badgers Volleyball Schedule 2023 Player Comments and Coach Quotes

Footer Producing Powerful Peaceful Passionate Players

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Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.

These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.

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The Nebraska Volleyball Schedule 2023 Player Comments and Coach QuotesPrivate or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience. These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis. Sign up now! The Nebraska Volleyball Schedule 2023 Player Comments and Coach Quotes

Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!

I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.

Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.

If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list. 

You might like these pages below about the Wisconsin Badgers volleyball schedule 2023, the NCAA championship, and the Big Ten.

  1. Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Private Volleyball Coach April Chapple
  2. Volleyball Tournaments Manhattan 6 Man and Other Summer Tournaments
  3. Wisconsin Badger Volleyball Schedule Player Comments and Coach Quotes

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