This Invitation is For...guys and girls
My name is April Chapple and God DID put me here to make a difference.
Thanks to the man upstairs, for the past 15 years of coaching volleyball in Las Vegas, I've continued my mission to shine a spotlight on...
....while raising the playing quality of....young Vegas volleyball players
….successfully placing a growing number of elite players in the national spotlight.
I'm a unique kind of coach, who recognized my true calling long before I stopped playing professionally and who's built a reputation for positively pushing my players, emotionally, mentally and physically.
My success was always pre-ordained. I just saved the best for last.
My regular Vegas clients and those I've helped, but never met in person on Instagram and Facebook remind me...everyday, that I'm one of the best coaches they've ever had and its because of them God has truly blessed me.
Currently, I’m the
who for three years coached volleyball coaches from all over the US on how to become successful using my volleyball coaching strategies and tips in my regular "Five Quick Volleyball Tips" column in the American Volleyball Coaches Association magazine Coaching Volleyball.
In the 2008 year-end survey of Coaching Volleyball magazine, subscribers voted my "Five Quick Volleyball Tips" series as one of the most popular features coaches enjoyed and looked forward to reading.
Today, I'm offering you, the opportunity to take the first step towards becoming a point-scoring, game-changing, super confident volleyball player with this valuable collection of serving, passing, pepper, digging and communication training tips...written especially for YOU---the varsity high school, travel club and college volleyball player.....
Let me answer the question you're asking yourself right now. How much is this going to cost you?
I can tell you this investment in yourself a steal only $7.99
You, the dedicated player, should you decide to adopt, use and practice these volleyball tips will begin to see results in as little as one week, depending on your desire and determination to learn and master the skills covered in 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication
Then quickly and with the confidence you gain from learning volleyball secrets that you were smart enough to invest become a starter or begin to see regular court time and are depended on as a regular contributor on your volleyball team.
But I know that for some volleyball players scoring that first point or serving the ball over the net for an ace seems like an impossible task.
Nobody really, really enjoys sitting on the bench. Not always, but sometimes it feels like you aren't making a contribution to your team.
Also, many volleyball players just aren’t "natural" athletes.
In 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication I share many volleyball tips and secrets that I've learned over the years as a former professional indoor and beach volleyball player on how to become a smart, savvy, goal oriented, point scoring and non-point scoring leader on your high school, club or college volleyball team.
It's been suggested to me repeatedly that I should charge more for 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication, but I've learned that by supporting you in your quest to become a regular starter or a "difference-making" leader on your volleyball team the possibilities increase that as you improve your volleyball skills your teammates will ask you what your "secret" is and you will refer and encourage them to buy a copy of 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication for themselves.
Buy your copy now so you can start elevating the level of your volleyball playing ability and increasing your playing time during your upcoming club, high school and college volleyball season.
How can you make a difference if you’re the shortest person on the team?
This is one of the most common questions high school and club volleyball players ask me.
In my 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication ebook I help you gain the confidence needed to be effective playing against volleyball players that are regularly taller than you are.
So, buy the e-booklet which will help you
Dig in and develop your individual volleyball skills by adopting the tips suggested. Find your inner-lion and the courage to be a leader when other teammates won't.
With this volleyball training tips e-booklet your nervousness, fright or panic will be reduced and replaced with fearlessness, courage and bravery.
Your self-confidence will increase with each point you score and every ace you serve.
It just takes a second to press the Add This To Your Cart button underneath the picture and to instantly get your downloadable e-booklet.
Your decision to be a volleyball player is a fantastic opportunity (trust me I know...I was one too!)
They say that BIG things come in small packages.
Buy your copy of 100 Powerfully Good Volleyball Tips For Serving, Passing, Pepper and Communication, now and you'll be incredibly surprised to experience how true that saying is.
Here's to gaining YOUR self-confidence, becoming a leader and scoring lot's of aces in volleyball, I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
April Chapple
p.s. the ball is in your court…
Follow me on Instagram @coach_apchap to improve your game even faster!
I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
Good times! Where do you need to go now? Here are three options:
What Are You Looking For?
Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you learned something today that will help you reach your volleyball goals.
Be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter so you can learn more each week!
Stay strong! Stay motivated!
-Coach April
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Let's power up the Vegas volleyball scene together!
Mar 16, 25 02:59 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:53 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:50 AM