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Block Terms in Volleyball, Blocking Terminology and Blocker Jargon
Find all the blocking terms in volleyball that I discuss on this site which explains everything to do with the first line of defense which is blocking.
What is a block?
When a player stops a ball at the net by raising their hands, shoulders, arms across the net, penetrating the plane of the net at the same time an opposing hitter is hitting the ball into the blocker's court
You might like these blocking tips and terms in volleyball.
Ali Bastianelli is a former Fighting Illini All American, All Big Ten middle blocker now a professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Pro League.
The ready position in volleyball blocking means your feet are shoulder width apart and parallel to each other with whole body squared and facing the net.
Lauren Stivrins is a former Nebraska Husker middle blocker and is an American professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Professional League.
The phrase "Kong block" is a volleyball term inspired by the movie character King Kong and refers to a player who blocks the ball with one arm instead of two.
How to block in volleyball. Learn blocking words and blocker terminology used during front court defense when trying to stop an opposing team's attack hits.
Terms in Volleyball and
Types of Volleyball Blocks
Block Terms in Volleyball, Blocking Terminology and Blocker Jargon
Ali Bastianelli is a former Fighting Illini All American, All Big Ten middle blocker now a professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Pro League.
The ready position in volleyball blocking means your feet are shoulder width apart and parallel to each other with whole body squared and facing the net.
Lauren Stivrins is a former Nebraska Husker middle blocker and is an American professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Professional League.
The phrase "Kong block" is a volleyball term inspired by the movie character King Kong and refers to a player who blocks the ball with one arm instead of two.
How to block in volleyball. Learn blocking words and blocker terminology used during front court defense when trying to stop an opposing team's attack hits.
A double block is one of the basic volleyball terms for blocking that describes when 2 players jump to cover cross court or the line to stop an attack hit.
Triple Block
When three people go up to block one hitter in an attempt to stop the ball at the net before it crosses over into their court
Block Terms in Volleyball, Blocking Terminology and Blocker Jargon
Triple Block
When three people go up to block one hitter in an attempt to stop the ball at the net before it crosses over into their court
Swing Block
-a blocking technique, you use to travel along the net while swinging your arms up and over using the momentum of the jump to gain more height in the air to help you penetrate the plane of the net even more
Stuff Block
A stuff block describes a type of block in volleyball that was so efficiently performed that it didn't allow the hitter enough time to really hit the ball. (Mark Shaiken)
Kong block
Instead of jumping with both hands and arms together to stop a hitter from hitting the ball into their court, a blocker jumps purposefully with both hands apart in an effort to block both angle options the hitter may try to hit to.
Here are the articles about blocking terms in volleyball
Ali Bastianelli is a former Fighting Illini All American, All Big Ten middle blocker now a professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Pro League.
The ready position in volleyball blocking means your feet are shoulder width apart and parallel to each other with whole body squared and facing the net.
Lauren Stivrins is a former Nebraska Husker middle blocker and is an American professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Professional League.
The phrase "Kong block" is a volleyball term inspired by the movie character King Kong and refers to a player who blocks the ball with one arm instead of two.
How to block in volleyball. Learn blocking words and blocker terminology used during front court defense when trying to stop an opposing team's attack hits.
How To Block in Volleyball
Basic Block Terms
Closing the Block
Closing the block occurs when two players while jumping to block an attack hit at the net, successfully close off any holes, or seams or spaces that are created between them when blocking.
Penetration refers to the act of a player penetrating or reaching with their hands and arms far over the plane of the net at the highest point of her block jump in her attempt to stop the ball from crossing the net into her team's court.
Block Terms in Volleyball, Blocking Terminology and Blocker Jargon: The seam is the space that separates two players when they go up to perform their blocking action. (CharlieJ)
The seam is the space that separates two players when they go up to perform their blocking action.
A screen is when one, two or three players on defense at the net, intentionally or unintentionally, stand so close to each other that one or more of the opposing team players in serve receive can't see the server or the ball in the server's hands.
Seal the Net
During your block jump you keep your arms and hands as close to the net without touching it to prevent any chance of the ball slipping in between (Ralph Arvesen)
Read Blocking
Read blocking occurs when a blocker has been assigned a particular hitter to block and as the play develops they follow, or read where their assigned hitter plans to attack hit. (Ralph Arvesen)
How to Block in Volleyball
Blocking Words For Blockers
This list of volleyball words describe the types of blockers on a team.
Off Blocker
The offside blocker can be defined as the player who is front row during an opposing hitter's attack, but is not actively participating in the blocking action, because they are on the side that's furthest away from the ball.
Outside blocker
A blocker on either side of the middle blocker, either a right side blocker or a left side blocker
What's a joust?
A joust occurs when two players contact the ball over the net at the same time.
A roof is volleyball slang for a strong aggressive blocking action made by a blocker who penetrates hands, arms and shoulders over the net to completely stop and shut down a hard hitting hitter.
The shape of a blocker's hands, arms and shoulders when penetrating over the net to block looks like the shape of a roof on a house.
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Private or semiprivate volleyball indoor/sand lessons are an excellent way for young Las Vegas high school volleyball players to quickly improve their individual skills through a private or semi-private coaching experience.
These lessons are conducted by former pro volleyball player, former USA Volleyball High Performance instructor and Evaluator and Tstreet Vegas 18s head Coach April Chapple on a weekly basis.
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I share alot of individual, partner and easy-to-do volleyball serving drills we do in class with my followers.
Many of these volleyball practice drills you can do at home by yourself or try at your next practice with your teammates.
If you're a B team or JV player trying to make varsity next year...your goal should be to complete 1000 reps a day of at least three of the basic skills on your own...volleyball passing, serving and setting should be at the top of the list.
The Volleyball Word
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Here are three options:
- Learn more about the volleyball words, terms and terminology in the Related Links below.
- Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap page Learning How To Play (Sitemap)
- Or visit the pages in the Information section in the drop down menu at the top of the page.
Read more about volleyball terms on these pages.
Ali Bastianelli is a former Fighting Illini All American, All Big Ten middle blocker now a professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Pro League.
The ready position in volleyball blocking means your feet are shoulder width apart and parallel to each other with whole body squared and facing the net.
Lauren Stivrins is a former Nebraska Husker middle blocker and is an American professional volleyball player in the Athletes Unlimited Professional League.
The phrase "Kong block" is a volleyball term inspired by the movie character King Kong and refers to a player who blocks the ball with one arm instead of two.
How to block in volleyball. Learn blocking words and blocker terminology used during front court defense when trying to stop an opposing team's attack hits.
A double block is one of the basic volleyball terms for blocking that describes when 2 players jump to cover cross court or the line to stop an attack hit.
The shank, the overpass, a reception error and passing dimes are what you call a pass in volleyball depending on how well you contact the ball in serve receive.
There are three types of footwork patterns in volleyball middle blockers should know including the hop step, shuffle step and the swing block footwork.
Volleyball Block Training: Learn 3 ways to block more balls by staying an arm's length away from the net, stay square to the net and how to take cross court.
A blocker in volleyball can't touch the net in a rally. Learn 3 more volleyball blocking rules you need to know when you're in the front row playing defense.
Foluke Akinradewo represented the US where she has grown up to become an American super middle blocker with two Olympic medals among her numerous achievements.
Improve Your Volleyball Performance with Private Volleyball Coach April Chapple
Words Used In Volleyball: Basic Terms, Slang, Phrases, Jargon, Lingo
Block Terms in Volleyball, Blocking Terminology and Blocker Jargon
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