Here's a step by step float serve tutorial on how to get the ball to your intended target on the opposing team's court.
As a right handed server,
Your body will be parallel to the service line.
Whether you're serving to a court zone or directly to an opposing player...face your target. Let the player're coming right at them with your serve.
Volleyball Serving Drills with Coach April: Watch how to serve a floater that lands close to or near the corners of the ten foot line in a timed drill that we do in Boot Camp classes.
The key is to know where you are going to serve before you serve, then turn and point your toe and your tossing arm, straight at your serving target.
Right Handed Serving Arm
Many servers have problems serving over the net because they drop their elbow during their serving swing in an attempt to shot put the ball over the net
Keep your elbow above the level of your ear!
The Float Serve Starting Ready Position
When done correctly your starting arm position should look like the letter L.
For right handers the left hand is extended straight out in front with the ball resting in the palm of your left hand.
The right arm is straight up with elbow close to ear and palm of your hand facing the opposite wall.
Feet and Leg Positioning
Feet and legs are in a comfortable balanced position, shoulder width apart with the weight of your body on your back leg.
Your front toe should point to the target or location you're about to serve.
Watch as semi private training client Brooklyn demonstrates hand position for the jump float serve...
The key is to make sure your body isn't tilted or leaning to one side.
Be balanced!
When you turn your hips and shoulder to contact the ball there's no need to add additional steps, or bounces, dips or wind ups.
The key is to keep your toss so consistent, that if you toss the ball ten times in a row and let it fall to the ground, it goes up the same height and comes down in the same spot every single time.
The Toss
The key is to keep your toss so consistent, that if you toss the ball ten times in a row and let it fall to the ground, it goes up the same height and comes down in the same spot every single time.
2-3 feet in the air gives your serving arm, time to keep your elbow high during your serving swing motion.
You have time to get the open palmed hand to the ball without dropping the elbow, or bending your wrist, or adding funky shoulder movement that doesn't help you serve.
When you look at my players you'll see (or should see) that all of them have the same serving form and technique. We work hard on -
Contact the Ball - Hip Swivel and High Five Hand Turn at the Same Time
The key is to swivel the hip and and shoulder together bringing the serving hand forward at the same time to contact the middle panels of the ball.
Your hip comes forward at the same time the shoulder does which also brings the hand forward, while keeping the elbow above the level of the ear.
Contact the Ball - High Five the Ball
The key is to keep a very wide fingered, flat palmed hand and make contact with the ball with the middle of your hand, without bending your wrist.
Do exactly what you'd do if you were 'high fiving' a teammate.
Reach "high five" high and keep your hand "high five" flat.
The ball will float and dip and be very difficult for a passer to track and pass the ball because of your ability to contact the ball with no follow through, no spin and with a flat palmed, wide fingered "high five" contact.
Contact the Ball - Watch the Ball
In the picture above my 18s Vegas Volley boys players Noah and Calvin both have their eyes on the ball as they serve, watching where their hand is contacting the ball during their float serve contact technique.
Now, you should be ready to score aces now that your know how to serve a floater!
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-Coach April
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Mar 16, 25 02:59 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:53 AM
Mar 16, 25 02:50 AM